
Post 5: Changes to My Study Programme

Hi everyone, today I will talk about changes to my study programme. I have been studying Visual Arts at the University of Chile for 3 years, unfortunately I have only been there for 1 year, that is to say, I just got to know the university this year. With this in mind, I say these things. About the curriculum, it had many changes when I started studying, the whole curriculum changed from the previous year, we had new subjects, new schedule and many more things, many people say that we were like lab rats and we were trying new things for the career. Among these new subjects I think we had some useless and boring subjects, or rather poorly designed, for example: Field Recognition, this subject has good and bad things, among the good, the teachers talked about something important for the future, but the classes were online, very long and very very tired, and the worst was that we only had one work to pass the subject, very scary. Another subject that was poorly designed was Interdisci...

Post 4: Time Travel :0

Hello everyone, today I will talk about time travel :0  When I think of time travel I always imagine things like in Rick and Morty or Back to the Future, and all the disaster that can happen if you do something wrong, but if I know everything is going to be okay, and I had a time traveling DeLorean,  maybe I would do it.  In that case I would like to travel to the past and do the things I didn't do at the time and see what happened, I'm a very shy person and I didn't do many things because of that, so, that might be a good thing to do. Also I would like to enjoy the moments that I think and say "I would like to go back to that moment again", and finally I would love to go back to see the relatives that are not living more in this world, that can be a very special and emotional moment. About traveling to the future, I'm not really sure I would like it, not really, I feel that the future is something that surprises us, because we don't know what is going to ...

Post 3: My Dream Job

Hi friends, today I'm going to talk about my dream job. Since I was child, my first dream job was to be a veterinarian, but that changed very fast and with the time I was moving between various subjects, and finally I came to something that I am really passionate about, the world of arts. I am currently a student of visual arts, I am preparing myself professionally at the university. My interests include painting, drawing and sculpture, but exixts a part of me that would really like to teach other people about the wonderful world of art and all the possibilities it has.  So my dream job is to be a teacher, create my own studio and have enough time to create paintings, sell them or exhibit them. When I talk to my family or friends about money in the art world, I always hear comments about the low salary, that I would starve and live under a bridge. I honestly think it's true, the arts are undervalued in Chile, that is the reason I would like to mix the two things I would l...

Post 2: My best holidays ever.

Hello, today I will talk about my best holidays ever c: My best holidays ever was in the summer of 2019, when I went to the south of Chile, specifically to Puerto Mott and other cities for two amazing weeks. I went to the south with my father, two aunts, my older sister and my younger brother, and we stayed in a very comfortable apartment. We did different activities in those two weeks, for example, we visited Puerto Varas, Llanquihue Lake, Chiloe, Frutillar, we sailed in boats, we visited natural reserves, we did trekking until we arrived to the Muelle de las Almas (magical place), obviously we ate very delicious food and enjoyed the magic of the south haha.  I think this trip was the best holidays ever because I also traveled by plane for first time, it was very exciting and I saw beautiful landscapes. Also this trip was the longest vacation away from my home or away to my city, that was very scary but I felt very excited to visit new places.  I love the south of Chile, the ...

Post 1: Vivere in Italia

Hello everyone, today I will talk about Italy c: When I was a child I discovered that my great-grandmother lived in Italy, that made me curious and I started to investigated about that country.                                             In that investigation I discovered some things, such as the language spoken in Italy: Italian, very similar in some cases to spanish. Another thing I discovered was that the shape of the country is very similar to a boot (that's really cool) and above all, the beautiful places and culture.  I would like to live in Italy because all my investigation tells me that Italy is a good place for live, with beautiful landscapes, culture, art and delicious food. The only bad thing is how expensive is live in that country in general.  If in the future I live there or I am going to visit Italy, I would like to visit many places, like The Pizz...


First, look up the meaning of “carbon footprint.” Find it at  https://timeforchange.org/what-is-a-carbon-footprint-definition Fill in the definition here: The total amount  of greenhouse  gases  produced  to directly and indirectly support  human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons  of carbon dioxide (CO2). 2.   Provide some examples (from the same website): Amount of CO2 emitted by burning one liter of gasoline:  2,3 kg of CO2 Driving a car for 6 km:    1,0074 kg of CO2   (7.3 litres petrol per 100km) Creating 5 plastic bags:  1 Kg of CO2 Producing a cheeseburger:  3,1  kg of CO2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Go to Youtube and watch “Plants and animals can adapt to climate change, right?” so that you can a...


I'm not a person who likes to usually visit art websites but I can think in a very popular one called Pinterest (y es, I'm pretty sure you know this)  this website is amazing if you're interested in art, dance, books, sports, etc. You can find anything you want, a very good site to looking for inspiration, having fun, laughing, watching potographies, videos or just  look for a good cell phone wallpaper. In his options, you can create your own profile and choose your preferences, automatically this website shows you different things of your interest, this is very good because you can find new things without looking for it. Also Pinterest is like a social media where you can follow your friends, talk to them and create different collections of inspiration that you can share with the public just by visiting your profile, very good. As I said before, I am not the type of person who likes to spend time on this website, I usually visit this site  when I start to feel desper...