Why did I choose my major?

Hello again, let's talk a little more about me, this time related to my studies.

When I was a child I dreamed of being a veterinarian, because I wanted to take care of animals, but with the time I lost the fascination for the health area (in people and animals).

Years later when I was finishing high school I was very interested in art, I always liked it but I considered it more as a hobby, but art was more than that. I finally made the decision to study arts because my mom convinced me to follow my passion and also I was not interested in any other area to study, and arts were always there for me. 

At the time of postulated to university my first option was arts at the University of Chile, the second was arts too but in another university and the third and last one was psychology (I never liked it haha) but the winner was arts at the University of Chile (:D yeiii)

My experience in my first two years was really difficult because it was online, I am changed many things of my routine and I stayed a lot of time in the computer (now I use eyeglasses) all the time I had headache, this was very terrible. Now in my third year of my career and my first year in person mode, I am feeling very tired because this new rhythm in another city and the big change of staying in home all the time and now going out every day is very difficult for me, but I am trying to get used to it to this new reality. 

I love my major, I'm mad about arts and I really enjoy painting. I am very interested in being a teacher and meeting young people to teaching the importance of the arts in life and that this career is not a waste of time, it is very hard and very beautiful. And finally the most important of all things, teaching kids to follow their dreams and never give up.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Your mom is so cute, the first thing what my dad said when I told him that i wanted to study arts was "are you sure? You can study something more importante first and after, when you have money, study arts" lol XD
    But I think what your dream to the future is really sweet, too. Help the childrens to give them hopes in their dreams, i like how sounds that <3

    I hope you can do that and anything that you want! We can graduate of this career with honors, yas...maybe ;D (?)

    See you in other post!


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